Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hannieo... Where did the time go???

Just yesterday my little Hannieo looked like this! Look how sweet and little and innocent and bright-eyed she was. This is about the same time she learned how to spell her first word - Zoo. Which she so smartly turned into Boo... which quickly turned into Boob. Yes, from the beginning Hannah has had a flair for words and a great sense of humor.
Case in point- letter to her Kindergarten teacher:

Dear Mrs. H,
I love You!
Love, Hannieo

Where did the time go? Six years later
Hannah has moved on from writing
about Boobs and now is sporting
a pair of her own. She is still
sweet, kind, funny, and bright-eyed...
but now she is curvy, tall, has
her own phone and yes---
she has a crush! Later this month she
will be getting spacers and on Feb. 1st
she will getting her braces. I am proud
of the Young Women she is becoming...
I just wish it wasn't going so fast~~~~~~~

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