Early Intervention 2004 Sadie's first Halloween! She is the fourth one on the top of the couch (a black kitty)
Right Before School
Sadie and her friend Kyle. He is so sweet! He even touches her back and makes sure she gets into the door of the class.
Sadie with her class signing a Halloween Song.
The Halloween Parade. This is the only time she wasn't waving and kissing the audience. She thought it was her parade.
Her Kindergarten Class Gavin and Sadie before the Halloween Party. Just minutes before she hid from us for 10 or 15 of the most scary minutes of my life. Gavin has been home with his forever family from Russia for 2 years.
Sadie and Dad (Kip) being interviewed during the Halloween Parade at Church. When the microphone was put in her face she said, "My name is Sadie and I Minnie Mouse for the Halloween time." Awesome, clear, and greatly appreciated by many!
Sadie after giving me a high five and yelling, "I did it!" She was proud of herself.
Minnie Mouse (Sadie), Tweedle Dee (Hannah), and Tweedle Dum (Selina)